When the scales won’t move

When the scales won’t move

Are you frustrated that the scales aren’t changing? I don’t know if it is because it’s January and people have been sticking to the ‘diets’ and not seeing the results? If it’s the amount of holiday adverts that are conjoining up...
I wish I’d know this years ago

I wish I’d know this years ago

“I wish I’d know this years ago” This is the comment I heard from most of the ladies who have just completed my latest MenoFit programme. MenoFit is a wellbeing and workout programme created to help women manage the peri-menopause, menopause AND beyond.   During...
Stress Awareness Day 2022

Stress Awareness Day 2022

It is national stress awareness day and stress is one of the wellbeing topics I’m most passionate about. For me, it’s the biggest consideration for our wellbeing and hormonal health.  Today I am sharing an exert from phase one of my book, Reginte. ...
Why we must change the exercise conversation

Why we must change the exercise conversation

An article was released recently that stated ‘half of British women do no regular exercise’ according to a survey by Nuffield Health Healthier Nation Index. I don’t know that I am surprised by the figures, but it does make me so sad. More than half of the women...
Brushing symptoms of stress off

Brushing symptoms of stress off

In my opinion stress causes the most disruption to our health and wellbeing and whilst it is really hard to avoid some stressors in our lifestyle, we don’t always realise what many of our stressors are or that they even are a bigger underlying problem. That is because...