Thanks to storm Dennis I’ve battened down the hatches this weekend and am catching up with all my overdue tasks (yes the ones I’ve been procrastinating over – no not my level 4 Yoga diploma!).
I had intended to share with you my adventure making a 3 legged stool this week. I was going to tell you about a piece of elm that displays the impact environmental stressors can have, just like they do to our own wellbeing (it blew my mind) but like so many I am absolutely shocked and saddened by the news of Caroline Flack last night that I have to instead today speak about kindness, compassion and support.
I wasn’t a fan of hers and I don’t really follow the media that closely about anything but it is absolutely devastating that anyone can feel so alone.
So today, be kind.. call a friend… take time for someone, you never know what another person is going through behind their smile.
Kindness costs nothing and yet can have the most positive impact on someone else – your compassion could save someone.
If friends are acting out of character, if they’ve not been in touch or are unusually quiet please check in with them often.
And if you feel that you yourself can’t speak to someone around you then please use the services available. Samaritans are well-trained listening volunteers, who you can talk to/email/text 24/7 if you’re having a tough time BUT texts can take up to 30mins to get a reply (sometimes longer) – it isn’t an instant messaging service and emails can take up to about 12hrs to get a reply.
If anyone is in a very desperate situation the fastest way to contact is always phone. ☎️ 116 123 (freephone)
I truly hope that none of you reading this ever feel too alone. You are all such amazing supporters of my (inconsistent) messages and I am so grateful that you are here.