A 30-day programme to reset the fundamentals of your complete wellbeing whilst providing ultimate clarity.
Every day for 30 days, you’ll get access to one daily video where I share simple and practical lifestyle strategies for reducing stress, increasing energy, improving mindset  and enriching sleep whilst bringing you hormonal clarity.
- You CAN be the happy, motivated, energetic woman you used to or have always wanted to be
- You CAN sleep better, stress less and smile more
- You CAN understand more about your hormones and take control of them long before they take control over you
The daily videos are short but magical. They’ll inspire and motivate you to take simple action and control of your health, hormones and wellbeing so that you thrive, rather than survive; mentally, physically or emotionally?
What’s Included in the Foundations of Wellbeing Programme
Simple Lifestyle Strategies
What to Expect:
🌀 30 days of videos dripped out daily
🌀Your Ultimate Clarity Journal with 30 days of prompts and action items
🌀Weekly group calls (held via zoom) with the opportunity for Q&A, coaching and personalised strategy planning.
🌀You’ll also have access to an online library of short purposeful workouts that you can follow at home as and when suits you.

Pre-order the Foundations of Wellbeing Programme now for  £147  £97
When I started on my journey with Victoria I didn’t quite know what to expect! I was fed up with feeling tired and demotivated I didn’t have the energy to get through the day. On day 1 it was great to listen to Victoria being so positive and giving lots of advice on all aspects of health and wellbeing. The group calls were so interesting and informative. I started to look at things differently, hormones and the huge effect they have on my daily life, my diet and how I needed to add a lot more goodness to it through breathing exercises, having time for me to relax and so much more. This has had a huge impact on not just me but my husband and daughter. This is just the start of my journey and I can’t thank Victoria enough.
Want a taste of what’s inside?
Enjoy a sneak-peek of two videos inside the programme.
Inside the Foundations of Wellbeing programme, you’ll unlock insightful videos like these, EVERY single day for 30 days.  These videos will help you…
🌀 Implement simple but effective lifestyle strategies that with energise, motivate and light you up
🌀 Identify the hidden stressors in your current routine that are impacting your sleep, inch loss goals, energy levels, hormones and overall health
🌀 Get comfortable with putting on your own oxygen mask first when you usually spend your days being all things to all people
🌀 Master your mindset
🌀 Take action towards building a lifestyle where you thrive; mentally, physically and emotionally
🌀 Get comfortable with hormonal changes that might be coming and put you in control of them

Change Can Be Challenging
Sometimes we just don’t know where to begin, we feel lost and alone. Sometimes we are overwhelmed with too much information to sort through, and sometimes we know exactly what to do, but don’t do what we know and simply need support and a hand to hold.
I am here to guide you to thrive, providing you with simple, sustainable lifestyle strategies that will restore your complete wellbeing so you can feel more energised, better balanced and less frustrated in order to live your happiest, healthiest life.
Is the Foundations of Wellbeing programme for You?
🌀Are you feeling lost or frustrated about not being the happy, energetic woman you used to be?
🌀 Do you feel like you’re gaining weight yet you’re working out as you always have or harder now than ever before?
🌀 Are you feeling exhausted and fed up of feeling fed up?
🌀 Are you coping rather than thriving; mentally, physically or emotionally?
🌀 Are you reaching for the chocolate flavoured snack mid-afternoon or having a glass of wine every evening to ‘unwind’?
🌀 Do you feel bloated or uncomfortable after eating but your diet hasn’t changed?
🌀 Are you noticing that symptoms during your cycle are different or changing but accepting them as normal and brushing them off?
🌀 Do you feel there is more to life than this?
🌀 Do you want more clarity, motivation, energy and for your mind to feel less cluttered or foggy?
If you have answered YES to any of these questions then I’m here to tell you that it is possible to feel more energised, better balanced and less frustrated.
"The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The next best time is NOW"
Frequently Asked QuestionsÂ
When does this start?
The full course will be released on Monday 1st November.  You’ll get access to the first video inside the programme then – and then unlock a new video every day for 30 days.
Are these live videos or pre-recorded?
The videos are pre-recorded and released on a daily basis. You’ll get lifetime access to all the videos
Will I get any live content?
Everyone who purchases the programme is invited to attend my group calls (held weekly via zoom) throughout the 30 days. These sessions provide the opportunity for Q&A and personalised strategy planning.
Calls times alternate weekly and are currently at 1pm on a Thursday and 7.30pm on a Monday.
If you want more in-depth, fully 1:1 help, I recommend booking a Power Hour with me.
What if I fall behind?
You’ll get lifetime access to all the videos and you’ll also be invited to upgrade to future live group calls I run.
Pre-order the Foundations of Wellbeing Programme now for  £147  £97
The full course will be released on Monday 1st November.  You’ll get access to the first video inside the programme then – and then unlock a new video every day for 30 days.