A fourteen day ONLINE wellbeing and workout programme created to help you manage the peri-menopause, menopause AND beyond.


A daily fifteen minute hormone friendly workout 

A short daily motivational masterclass – Each day you’ll discover:

βœ… The most important information you need about the peri-menopuase, menopause and beyond

βœ… The affects these stages can have on our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

βœ… Strategies and healthy tips to build better balance.

A MenoFit Community β€“ A private safe space on the app to ask all your hormone and wellbeing wonderings, be inspired and motivated and to connect with like-minded women.

All the content is delivered through my Women’s Wellbeing Association app 
Masterclasses and workouts are released each day for 14 days from registration.

During this MenoFit programme you’ll  discover:

πŸŒ€ The stages of hormonal changes and the symptoms these can cause.

πŸŒ€Basic nutrition to nourish your body through midlife.

πŸŒ€ How to lower stress and why it is so important too.

πŸŒ€ How to improve sleep.

πŸŒ€ Where exercise fits in – Moving WELL (workouts included)

πŸŒ€ How to make your healthy habits stick.

πŸŒ€ Tips to improve your mindset and motivation.

and much more…


Included as part of Lizzy’s Christmas Party Regular Goody Bag Purchase!


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By signing up to my MenoFit programme you will also receive my weekly wellness wondering email about all things womens wellbeing, including products and services I think you might like.
I will never share your information and you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of my emails. Information about my privacy practices can be found in the footer of my website.
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The peri to post menopause facts:

βœ… 13 MILLION women in the UK are menopausal.

βœ… Not all GPs are taught about the menopause and medications.

βœ… Every womans menopause is UNIQUE

βœ… Many women’s symptoms are slow and creep up.

βœ… Many women experience radical shifts in their health and wellbeing.

βœ… Menopause has been a taboo subject for years.

βœ… The menopause DOES NOT have to be traumatic, negative or feared. Hormonal symptoms are common but not normal!


During this fourteen day programme you’ll discover the most important information you need for a whole-body approach to the peri-menopause, menopuase and beyond and how simple it can be to start to rewrite your own health and wellbeing story.





βœ… Have FUN